Here's a small preview of what my outcome to the '20x20' project looks like. The whole piece revolves around places I have been - and the things that I can remember thinking, doing or hearing at that exact moment.
Most of the pages are full photographs and show an entire scene or a tiny portion of a bigger landscape, and they have little in common. However, there is a story that flows through the pages that lets you into a number of my most life changing moments where I've been both happy and distraught
Some of the pages are annotated with hand-drawn typography in a style that fits the memory and others covered with pattern and illustration, each one unique and different to the last. They don't match, or make sense, but that doesn't matter. Each page is a new chapter.
In contrast, the front cover is simple and uncluttered - the bird symbolizes the different journeys that have been made but eventually return home.
a really beautiful thing . . . .