A couple more pictures from the "views from benches" series. This time exploring our disposition to ignore the perfections that already exist in nature.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Views from benches
Here are some of the pictures from a piece of research we conducted this week. It explores how the way we currently live is very ordered and structured... Out lives are so controlled to the point where the way we act and the things we do have already been mapped in front of us.
All of the pictures in this series were taken while sitting in the centre of a park bench and aims to emphasize how even in an apparently unregulated location there is always structure. We placed a clock in and around the setting to try and emphasize the fact that we spend too much time within rigid control, only seeing what other people want us to see.We also received some great feedback from passers by, who would stand and try to guess the meaning behind the intervention.
Of course, no photography update from us would be complete without including an animal or two... so here's an action shot of a squirrel running in our direction after he noticed we had a bag of crisps to bribe him with!
Saturday, 25 September 2010
For the last two years I've been trying insistently to get Matt to come to the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens with me to - among other things - check out the Andy Goldsworthy sculpures (above) and feed the squirrels.
Although it took a while, we finally went last Thursday on a really nice, sunny afternoon and though we would share some pictures...
Tea 101

So we're back at Uni now and hopefully that means you'll see some more regular updates to Aperture Room. To get things moving here is the outcome to a short one week task, where we had to pick a process and show it step by step in an A3 format.
Aperture Room are huge tea addicts, so this one was an easy choice. The teacup was inspired by one I picked up over summer in an antiques market and the theme grew from there...

Saturday, 11 September 2010
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Edinburgh galleries
After driving past the galleries in ravelston almost every day for the past few months, we finally decided to visit and check out the work of Nathan Coley up close. Although his work is far more stunning at night, theres still something pretty cool about three foot high, glowing words attached to a pieces of scaffolding. Inside the gallies themselves we visited the Diane Arbus exhibition, where there were hundreds of observational photographs and found a firm favourite in the work of Callum Innes (google images really doesn't do his work justice!).
Afterwards we wondered around the grounds and ventured into the Dean Cemetary - the need for a giant pyramid tombstone is still confusing us - and took a few photographs...
Sunday, 21 March 2010
All Fixed!
Picture-taking has been put on hold the past few weeks while the lens of my camera was being fixed by Sony. But now I finally have it back and have been going snap happy from the sofa! As you can tell from the picture above, the latest Aperture Room obsession is kids sweets... Dib Dabs, Alphabet Letters, Refreshers... so good!
But even better than that, you may be seeing a number of our shots large scale. More information to follow, but exciting news!